Jesus’ Encounter with Demons

Scripture Passage:  Matthew 8:28-34

Spiritual Warfare is a normal part of life as believers. As God’s children, we do not need to be afraid of Satan and his demons. The enemy is completely defeated by Jesus and as God’s children He gave us victory over the enemy. However, we do need to identify how the enemy works in our lives and how to fight spiritual battles.

1. The Enemy’s Strategy
The enemy can’t get to God so his target is God’s children. The enemy attacks us in a variety of ways that are often subtle. The enemy lies to us about God, ourselves and others so that he can steal our joy, keep us from connecting to God in prayer and cause division in our relationships.

2. The Christian’s Victory
As believers, we’ve been set free from the power of the enemy through Christ. The way we overcome the daily attacks of the enemy is through prayer!

A. Recognize how the enemy is working all around us.
Ask God to give you discernment to help you see when and how the enemy is lying to you and attacking you and your family.

B. Invite the Holy Spirit to fully possess you and lead you.
As Believers, the Holy Spirit was given to us at the time of salvation. Ask the Spirit to help you and empower you daily.

C. Claim the victory in Jesus that is yours.
Remember that Jesus gave his life on the cross for you so that you can live in victory. Jesus defeated the enemy for you because He loves you. When you feel attacked by the enemy, invite Jesus into the situation and He will give you victory.

What are some ways the enemy attacks you to keep you from praying? 

How does the enemy attack your relationships with others to create division? 

Where in your life do you struggle and you need God to give you victory? 

God, thank you for the victory you gave me through Jesus. Thank you for setting me free from the power of the enemy. Help me to have discernment to quickly recognize how the enemy is working in my life. Expose his lies. Empower me by your Spirit to pray and stand firm daily in your victory. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Note: Please visit our Freedom From Fear page for helpful resources.

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