The Empty Tomb Changes Everything

Scripture Passage: Mark 16:1-8

Every skeptic should consider two important statements made by the angel to the women at the empty tomb.

1. See The Place (verse 6)
Easter should change your mind about Jesus.

The resurrection is Ground Zero for belief in Jesus. Because of the resurrection, we cannot regard Jesus as simply a good man or a teacher. We must consider His claims to be the Son of God — the Messiah. Skeptics must deal with the empty tomb before embarking on any other philosophical arguments.

Some have suggested that the body of Jesus was stolen. 
What possible motives would this have served? If the body had been stolen and the disciples knew it, would they have given their lives for this lie?

Others have suggested that Jesus did not die on the cross. What are the problems with this theory given what history teaches about the way in which the Romans had perfected the art of crucifixion?

We believe that Jesus rose from the dead. How does the resurrection affirm the claims of Jesus?

2. Do Not Be Alarmed (verse 6)
Easter should change your mind about your future.

The resurrection alleviates the pain of fear, trials, and suffering.

Every life will end in death. Regardless of our efforts to cheat death, it will come for all. After the death of His friend Lazarus, Jesus told Lazarus’ sisters, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.” If Jesus was right about the resurrection, then He is right about life and eternal life.

In what ways does the resurrection of Jesus give you comfort?

The resurrection of Jesus means that death is defeated.

Remember that we are responsible for our choices and actions. We must choose to live in a way that pleases God.

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Scripture Passage: Mark 11

Why did Jesus have to die? If God is a loving God then why would He sacrifice His own Son? Couldn’t there be another way?

Three Reasons Jesus Had to Die on the Cross

1. Jesus Had to Die to Rescue Us.
In the Temple, Jesus saw how desperately wicked we are and that we could never get back to God on our own. We need to be rescued because we are all sinners and the wages of sin is death. No amount of self-righteousness could rescue us—only Jesus!

2. Jesus Had to Die Because He Was the Perfect Sacrifice.
Only a perfect sacrifice would be acceptable to a perfect God. Jesus was perfect and righteous, and no more sacrifices would ever need to be made in the Temple again.

3. Jesus Had to Die to Prove God’s Love.
Jesus did more than say He would lay His life down for us. He did it and in so doing He proved God’s love. God’s love for us sent Jesus to the cross so the veil would be torn and everyone would have access and could come in to God’s presence.

The rescue mission is complete, the perfect sacrifice has been made and God’s love has been put on display. This is why Jesus had to die—so there would no longer be any division between God and man.

Discussion Questions

• What did Jesus see that day in the Temple that helps explain why He had to die? (merchants, money changers, sacrifices, Temple Veil)

• Do you try to be good enough? Why is that never going to be enough? (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 7:24)

• What was the purpose of the veil? Why is it significant that the veil was torn?
Is there any part of you that says you don’t need rescuing? Confess and lay that at Jesus’ feet now.